AMENDMENT TO THE NO-CUT POLICY MIDDLE SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS SPORTS INJURIES Injuries occurring at home games will be handled by the trainer and/or coach. A communications system using walkie talkies and a portable phone will allow the trainer to be notified immediately in case of a serious injury. Injuries at away games will be handled by the staff of the opposing school. If a serious injury occurs, parents will be notified as soon as possible. COLLEGE ATHLETICS SUMMER CAMPS AND PROGRAMS POST SEASON PLAY Germantown Academy is committed to providing all Upper School athletic teams with “uniforms” which display the school’s name, the Patriots' name, or GA athletic logo, display the school’s colors, reflect recent fashion trends and foster a sense of school pride. The term “uniform” refers to clothing worn during athletic competitions. A uniform may include pants, shorts, skirts, jerseys, shirts, hats, socks and belts. Coaches and players may suggest the design for the uniforms. The school’s athletic budget allows for Germantown Academy to purchase new uniforms every four years. In the past, parents, families, friends, alumni and players have donated money or assisted in fundraising events to help purchase uniforms or warm-ups. This practice, however, is strictly prohibited and no longer permissible. Outfitting and purchasing of uniforms and warm-ups for the Upper School teams is solely the responsibility of the school. Individuals and companies, who desire to assist the Athletic Department in funding the purchase of the uniforms or warm-ups, should contact the Athletic Department prior to taking any action in order to determine what athletic clothing is anticipated to be purchased in the upcoming year. The Athletic Department may accept donations as a form of budget relief, but at all times the Athletic Department has sole control over all issues relating to uniforms or warm-ups to be purchases by Germantown Academy. Every year the Germantown Academy Office of Institutional Advancement raises money for the Annual Fund to assist the school in accomplishing its spending needs, including those arising from the athletic program. Therefore, Germantown Academy strongly encourages donations to the Annual Fund. Student-athletes may purchase “team apparel” such as athletic bags, jackets, sweat shirts, t-shirts, championship commemorative clothing and other athletic wear that is not typically worn during the game or during warm-up time. The coaches or team captains that wish to order team apparel must obtain prior approval of the Athletic Director. However, individuals may not donate “team apparel” or sell “team apparel” as part of an individual team fundraising effort. All questions relating to the Upper School Athletic Uniform Policy should be directed to the Athletic Director. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. If a student feels harassed by another member of the community, he or she should bring the concern directly to the school. Likewise, intimidation, the deliberate attempt to isolate others by making them feel rejected by their peers, will not be tolerated. Whether direct or indirect, blatant or subtle, verbal or physical, any behavior that stigmatizes, victimizes, targets, or interferes with another member of the school community for any reason, including race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, physical attribute, or sexual orientation, is expressly forbidden. The response will be determined after a thorough investigation of the case, but may include detentions, suspension, probation or expulsion. Additionally, the response may involve a recommendation for counseling and/or other restorative steps. Examples of intimidation and harassment include, but are not limited to: Hazing activities include, but are not limited to: Complaint Procedures All complaints will be investigated thoroughly by Germantown Academy. Complaints will be processed in a manner which protects the complainant and maintains the individual's confidentiality, to the greatest extent possible. Varsity athletes receive the following recognition: 1. Each year they will receive a certificate. 2. First year – a chenille letter (one per athlete). 3. Second year – an insert for each sport. 4. Third year – a three year pin. 5. Fourth year or beyond – a pen set, awarded in senior year. The following awards are given at Prize Day at the end of each school year: Phyllis Morrison Biddle Award – presented to seniors who have participated in a sport each season for the four years of upper school. Blazer Pin Award – presented to a girl or girls in the fifth form who demonstrate the combined qualities of leadership, determination, and capability on the athletic field, in the classroom, and through participation in extracurricular activities. Girls Athletic Association Bowl – presented to a senior girl for sportsmanship and athletic ability. Bernard Dallas Award – presented to a senior boy who has contributed the most to the athletic program – leadership, athletic ability and sportsmanship. James R. Buckley Award – presented to a senior boy and/or girl for sportsmanship and significant contributions to the athletic program. Definitions Process Trial Sport to Varsity Sport - a sport will remain in the trial phase until the following criteria have been met: The Inter-Academic Athletic League is the oldest secondary school athletic league in the nation. As members of the Inter-Academic League we have inherited a wonderful tradition which we wish to perpetuate through the possibilities of true collaboration in the competitive arena of athletics. The Inter-Academic Athletic League is comprised of the following members: Academy of Notre Dame, The Agnes Irwin School, The Baldwin School, Episcopal Academy, Germantown Academy, The Haverford School, Malvern Preparatory School, Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, and the William Penn Charter School. Values Competition: The Inter-Academic League puts the well-being of its student athletes first and strives to develop programs that encourage boys and girls to develop camaraderie, practice habits of mind and body that encourage healthy living, and learn valuable life lessons. Every Inter-Academic school strives for excellence in all athletic programs; however, we recognize that an excessive emphasis on winning can corrupt true learning and academic values. Its members believe that both victory and defeat teach valuable lessons. Character Development: Students in the Inter-Academic League are students first and athletes second. We hope that athletic competition fosters respect for others, competition and teamwork, perseverance, and leadership. The priority of the League is to develop educated young men and women of character who are transformed by their experiences in athletic competition and then transfer lessons they have learned on the athletic fields to lives of service to others. Germantown Academy also competes in the Pennsylvania Independent School Athletic Association (PAISAA). The PAISAA is the recognized entity for the support of interscholastic athletic programs for independent schools in the state of Pennsylvania. PAISAA offers professional development opportunities for membership, preserves and enhances existing state events, and works to create additional state events through the development of coaches' associations for each sport. The association is committed to the foundation pillars of interscholastic athletics-integrity, sportsmanship, participation, and leadership. PAISAA is recognized by the PIAA and is an affiliate member of the National Federation of High Schools. READ MORE about the PAISAA. Communication Starts Here! Germantown Academy is a member of the Inter-Academic Athletic League (Inter-Ac) for boys and girls sports. Member schools of this League focus on athletics the same way GA does - with a respect for its players, its coaches and its competition. As parents, when your children become involved in our athletic program, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communications from the coach and your child’s program. Communications student-athletes can expect from our coaches — Philosophy of the Coach Communications our coaches can expect from our student-athletes — Parent/Coach Relationship Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a greater benefit to our student-athletes. As your children become involved in the athletic program at Germantown Academy, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments in their lives. It is important to understand that there will also be times when things do not go the way you or your child wish. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged. Appropriate matters parents can discuss with coaches — Issues not appropriate for parents to discuss with our coaches — The Next Step... There are situations that deem a conference between the coach and parent. It is important following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern: Call or email for an appointment with the coach An appointment with the Athletic Director — If you feel the issue has not been resolved after a discussion between the student-athlete, coach and parent, please call to set up an appointment with Tim Ginter, Athletic Director, in order to discuss the situation. The coach will be present at this meeting to share his/her input regarding this situation. Research indicates a student-athlete involved in extracurricular activities has a greater chance to succeed during his/her adult years. Many character traits required to be a successful participant in sports at the interscholastic level are directly related to student success after high school. Each student-athlete’s commitment and teamwork will be valuable tools acquired at Germantown Academy during his/her years here. We hope this information makes your student-athlete’s, as well as your own experience as an involved parent, one that is positive and provides an enjoyable tenure here at Germantown Academy. The college selection process can bring about equal amounts of anxiety and excitement. The commitment to pursue athletics at the college level comes in many different forms: signing of a National Letter of Intent, signing of an athletic scholarship/financial aid package, or signing of a college acceptance letter. While the decision to sign a National Letter of Intent is sensational and newsworthy, Germantown Academy appreciates the contributions that all of our student-athletes make to our community. After January 1 of a student-athlete’s junior year, Germantown Academy will promote a student-athlete’s verbal commitment to attend an institution and pursue participation in an NCAA intercollegiate sport. A quote from the college coach is required to be included in the communication. Periodically throughout a student-athlete’s senior year, Germantown Academy will also communicate and promote official NLI signings, acceptance of an athletic scholarship and official offers of admission. Lastly, Germantown Academy hosts a “signing day” ceremony for all student-athletes planning to play a sport at any collegiate level. During this event, student-athletes may include whomever they choose to participate in the photo which will then be publicized by the school. Representatives from Germantown Academy generally include the respective coach, Director of Athletics, and Head of School.General Policies
When there are constraints related to facilities, time, and/or staffing, GA reserves the right to waive the no-cut policy in the Upper School in order to ensure every student has a quality athletic experience. Typically, we will allow a maximum of twice the number of players required to compete across a program plus 20 percent (e.g. if the volleyball program needs 12 student-athletes to play Varsity and JV at any given time, we would permit the 28 most talented players to participate in that program, with some deference given to seniors who have played the sport for the previous three years at GA). We will announce which sports are expected to incur cuts at the beginning of every season so that student-athletes may develop a back-up plan as needed.
The sports program is explained in the Middle School Handbook. In keeping with the Inter-Academic Athletic League rules, all teams are grouped by ability. The actual number of teams varies each season depending upon the numbers of students who wish to participate in the sport of their choice. Each sport has set a minimum number of students necessary to warrant an additional team. The Middle School Sports program is participation based. All Coaches are instructed to give each athlete as much playing time as possible, providing that the student-athlete has met all team membership requirements.
Upper School sports are offered at various levels on a sport by sport basis. Some sports only have a varsity level while others may offer three teams in the Upper School. This is determined by the program, space available, staff available, and student interest. Upper School policies regarding participation are in the Upper School Student Handbook.
Games are not scheduled on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Good Friday, and Christmas. Students are always excused from school, games, or practice for religious commitments.
Germantown Academy has a fully certified trainer on staff. The trainer will also serve as a resource for the complete treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries. All Coaches will be certified in CPR.
Many students would like to pursue their athletic interests in college. Varsity coaches, the Athletic Director and/or the College Guidance counselors can provide information and advice in this area. Athletes who are interested in scholarships or financial aid for sports should speak with their coaches about the various college programs, the recruiting process and their chance for success. The NCAA publishes a pamphlet called “Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete” which will be available through the Athletic and College Guidance offices. In addition, all seniors will receive the NCAA Clearinghouse Pamphlet and Release Form at the beginning of the school year.
Athletes who are serious about a college sport at any level should attend camps in the summer. Camps are an ideal way to visit college campuses and to meet coaches. Germantown Academy runs camps for several sports and parents can receive information on these camps from the Director of Summer Programs. Varsity coaches should be able to recommend camps to their players.
Germantown Academy is a member of the Pennsylvania Independent School Athletic Association (PAISAA) and is eligible to participate in their state tournaments.Upper School Uniforms
School Policy - Intimidation, Harassment and Hazing Policy
Hazing refers to any situation or action which endangers or has the potential to endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a person or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purposes of becoming, remaining, or participating in any group. The fact that the person consented to participate in the activity is no defense. Any situation or activity that, for the purposes becoming, remaining, or participating in any group, produces or could be expected to produce mental, emotional or physical discomfort, fright, degradation, moral compromise, humiliation, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule to the student is hazing. A person violates this policy whenever he or she engages, assists, or attempts to engage or assist in the planning or committing of any hazing activity, whether on or off campus or other School property. All members of our School community, including, students, faculty, and staff, are responsible for immediately reporting any hazing activity or plans for any hazing activity to the appropriate faculty member, Division Head, Athletic Director, or the Head of School. The failure to make such a report is also a violation of this policy. Any athletic team/sport, club, association, organization, or other group who authorizes hazing may be sanctioned by the School. Such sanctions include, without limitation, fines, suspension of operation, loss of use of School facilities, loss of funding, and withdrawal of permission to operate. No adverse action will be taken against any person who makes a good faith report of hazing activity.
When the School administration becomes aware of any instance of intimidation, harassment or hazing, the situation will be promptly investigated. Any person found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment or expulsion from the School, as applicable, for serious violations. Persons violating this policy may also be subject to civil liability or criminal liability under Pennsylvania law.
Students are expected to assist the school in preventing these types of behaviors by promptly reporting any instance of alleged or potential harassment, intimidation, hazing, or fighting.Sports Awards
Transition from Club to Varsity Sport
League Competition
The Inter-Academic League believes in the transformational and educational potential of student participation in athletics. We provide student athletes with opportunities to participate and compete at multiple skill levels, and we are committed that those athletic opportunities involve learning new skills, developing individual goals and potential, and fostering an appreciation of collaboration and teamwork in the competitive arena of athletics. Our Athletes are students first. Our coaches and our programs are extensions of our classrooms, and they teach the values that guide our unique and independent institutions. We recognize the need to keep interscholastic competition in harmony with the essential educational purposes of the institutions. Our purpose goes far beyond transactional win-loss records and individual coaches’ reputations to an earnest commitment to educating the whole student athlete.
Participation: The Inter-Academic league believes that structured student participation in competitive athletics enhances the overall educational mission of its member schools. Although the League refrains from dictating participation requirements to independent school members, it encourages the widest possible availability for all students of all ability levels to participate in organized athletic programs.
Parent/Coach Communication
College Commitment Recognition
Coaches Handbooks